Saturday, February 25, 2012

Intimacy After Childbirth - Staying Sexually Active & Intimate

Intimacy After Childbirth:

Staying Sexually Active and Intimate

The main reasons that women experience a decrease in sexual desire are fatigue and lack of time. Sex and intimacy are not the most important part of a relationship, but they are definitely a highly valued aspect. For most couples, figuring out how to stay sexually active and intimate with a partner following the birth of a child can help not only the individuals within the relationship, but the relationship itself.  Below are some tips for staying sexually active and intimate following childbirth.

Make Time for Yourselves

After pregnancy, you may find that most of your time is spent caring for your newborn, rather than on trying to be sexual with your partner. It is important to have time for yourselves after the birth of a child to maintain your relationship. Many people find that it is easy to find time for each other by:

• Having a date night. Hire a babysitter, or ask a friend or family member to watch the little one(s).
If this is not an option, do things together while the baby is sleeping—take a shower, cook a nice dinner, or give each other a massage.

• Taking turns pleasing each other. Stress and fatigue may cause one or both partners to become
disinterested in sexual activity and taking turns means that one person does not have to exert too much energy.

• Maintaining privacy (as best as possible!). Putting the child in another room, even for just a few
nights a week, may make it easier to find time to be intimate with your partner.

Be Creative

Having a child can mean little time and opportunity for sexual activity (and fewer places!). Be creative
in coming up with times and places to be sexual with your partner. For example, try sexual activity in the shower while the child is napping or asleep for the night. This can help you accomplish two things at once! If you are able to go out on a date with your partner, try being intimate in the car or try going to a hotel. Use your imagination and work with your partner to come up with creative ideas that work for you!

Fight Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common complaints of new parents, and one of the most common reasons couples are no longer intimate after the birth of a baby. To help counter the effects of fatigue on your sex life, try engaging in sexual activity at different times during the day, not just before bedtime. Try to get a quick moment together while the child is taking an afternoon nap. If you are breastfeeding, you may find that it is helpful to nurse before sexual activity. That way, you can put the infant down for a nap and will have fewer distractions.

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